Our Values

The values that underpin the Mauri Spagnol publishing group coalesce around their liberal and independent approach, and have, in no small measure, contributed to the formation of its new identity.

GeMS has built its identity on the two classic values of publishing: unfettered creativity and independence. The Group’s objective is to guarantee all its publishing concerns maximum autonomy and research capacity, allowing access to the Group’s skills, resources and strengths.


Defending copyright and recognising, remunerating and rewarding talent over the long term


Freedom of the press and research, maximum autonomy of functions compatible with a group strategy that is aware of and sensitive to the specific nature of individual publishing traditions.


Professionalism, profitability, economic and financial soundness = independence


On 27 November 2006, the Board of Directors of the Mauri Spagnol S.p.a. publishing group approved the Code of Ethics of Messaggerie Italiane S.p.A. and intends to promote its adoption by all its subsidiary companies.

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