Luigi Spagnol

Correre davanti alla bellezza

(Running Ahead of Beauty)

Casa Editrice Longanesi&C., June 2021

A collection of the most meaningful writings and thoughts of a great publisher, from the importance of reading for children to a condemnation of sexism in the Arts.

Luigi Spagnol was one of the most eclectic publishers Italy has ever had. He had a three hundred and sixty-degree instinct for bestsellers and an unconditional love of books, which for him were not mere items to present and sell to the public but real treasure chests capable of improving his life and those of others. Throughout his life he followed only one rule: to search for the best where no one else would search. That is why, in 1997, before he even finished reading the proofs, he decided to publish Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The previous year, he had sensed the potential of a fairy tale, The Story of A Seagull and The Cat Who Taught Her To Fly, which would eventually sell two million copies.

His were therefore great insights, great thoughts and an even greater respect for readers: these were the ingredients of a career powerfully driven by vocation.

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