Valter D. Longo

Valter Longo is a biochemist born in Genova in 1967. He has a worldwide reputation for being one of the leaders in the field of studies on ageing and age-related illnesses and has had articles in some of the most authoritative science publications, including Nature, Science and Cell. He is professor of Gerontology and Biology Sciences, and director of the Institute of Longevity of the School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, one of the most prestigious centres in the world dedicated exclusively to teaching and researching the ageing process. Professor Longo has been awarded some of the most prestigious awards for his career: among these are the Nathan Shock Lecture Award from the National Institute on Ageing (NIA/NIH) in 2010 and the Vincent Cristofalo “Rising Star” award for research on ageing from the American Federation for Ageing Research in 2013. He is also director of the Laboratory of Oncology and Longevity at the IFOM (Institute of Molecular Oncology) in Milan. His first book La dieta della Longevità (The Longevity Diet, Vallardi, 2016) revolutionised research on longevity and nutrition. Rights have been sold across the world. Vallardi have also published his Alla tavola della longevità (2018) and Bambini, nutrizione e longevità (2019).

La longevità inizia da bambini

Antonio Vallardi Editore, 2019

With the help of experts in child nutrition, Valter Longo has developed the first viable nutrition programme for family health, which gives children a good start so they may live healthily until the age of 110.

A new programme of healthy nutrition for the family, in view of a long, disease-free life.

A scientific guide to changing children’s negative eating habits and raising the whole family’s awareness: a programme that will revolutionise the health of all those who follow it.

In Europe 1 in 3 children is overweight or obese by the age of 11. The 1000-day theory: the importance of nutrition during pregnancy and the first two years of a child’s life.

The issue of child obesity is becoming an emergency that now concerns not only the United States but all European countries. Unfortunately, if present-day children do not change their eating habits they are going to live less and with more illnesses than their parents. In this book, the author has worked with child experts and specialists, as well as nutritionists, to explain the importance of laying the foundations of a long and healthy life beginning from pregnancy. Longo provides an analysis and an avant-garde nutrition and health plan: a study that aims to debunk myths and prevent or reduce excess weight and the progression of illnesses caused by what can we can call the worst eating habits in history. This book, however, avoids dieting extremes: a combination of traditional cuisine in Italy and other long-living nations – as well as science and recent studies in chemistry – is the key to a generous nutrition programme which does however have anti-ageing properties.

The effect of food on a long and healthy life begins early in life.

All the proceeds from the book will be donated to the non-profit organisation Create Cures, towards the nutrition education of children and adults, patient assistance, and research into alternative and integrated treatments for serious diseases.

La dieta della longevità

Antonio Vallardi Editore, 2016

One of the most important scientific discoveries in the field of nutrition. Valter Longo demonstrates how to prevent and cure illnesses that are typical in our century such as cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, obesity and cancer.

“Eat, fast, live longer and healthier. The revolutionary diet by the longevity guru.” Time Magazine

Topping the charts since day one – 18 months in a row – more than 270,000 copies sold.

Full English PDF available.

Valter Longo, the scientist whose revolutionary studies on genetics, nutrition, stem cells and longevity have become a fundamental reference point, reveals all of these topics in his book. Basing his findings on a 5-pillar strategy, Longo has demonstrated that it’s possible to be cured through food. The Longevity Diet is simple to follow on a daily basis for those who already enjoy a Mediterranean diet, and it works well with the extraordinarily effective Fasting-Mimicking Diet developed in his laboratory. Inspired by the ancient habits common to all cultures, the DMD helps reduce the risks and difficulties of eating less, making it compatible with the requirements of an active lifestyle. Like a Longevity Elixir, the Longo Diet cures us with food, and therefore revolutionizes our relationship with it.

Il cancro a digiuno

Antonio Vallardi Editore, 2021

A revolutionary guide to preventing and treating tumours: from everyday food to exercise for preventing the disease, to practical advice about nutrition and fasting in order to fight various types of cancer.

Thanks to Dieta della longevità [The Longevity Diet] 270,000 copies soldwe know that the main illnesses of adulthood are linked to ageing and Valter Longo, one of the world’s principal experts on the connection between nutrition, longevity and health, has shown us that an appropriate strategy based on a specific nutrition and exercise programme is at the root of a better quality of life.

A book that will change the standard approach to the treatment of tumours for ever: thanks to years of research and experimenting in the world’s most prestigious oncology departments, through screening and programmes devoted to various types of tumour, it is now possible to prove that fasting is a very powerful ally in the fight against cancers.

The research and trials carried out in the past few years show the limited efficacy of standard as well as alternative therapies: Valter Longo explores their weaknesses and the possible combinations, from the role of nutrition and fasting through genetic impact on longevity and cellular rejuvenation to the application of fasting protocols to all types of tumours.

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