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General Non-Fiction

Nel segno di Thot. La meravigliosa avventura dei numeri dall’antichità all’età moderna

(The Sign of Thot. The Wonderful Adventure of Numbers from Antiquity to Modernity)

Ponte alle Grazie, May 2025, pp.256

An erudite and enjoyable essay about how numbers and mathematics came to exist, and how they have evolved over the centuries.

Thot is the Egyptian god of knowledge, writing, magic, the measure of time, mathematics and geometry. He is represented as a sacred ibis, the bird that would fly over the Nile, or as a baboon.

Thot, the scribe, is considered the inventor of writing, numbers, and of all that involves counting and calculation in arithmetics. Thot invented what we need in order to measure time and space, sometimes through games, and convey it through writing. The greatest scholars in history have tried to follow the countless paths opened by Thot’s inventions and teachings, but always without success. It’s impossible to obtain the knowledge and power of such a great god, but thanks to this essay, it’s possible to get to know him better.

Ponte alle Grazie, May 2025, pp.256

  • Magrini is a highly-educated, serious scholar, but one who has the rare gift of popularization, which allows him to tackle the topic in a more pleasant manner, alternating extensive information with often unpredictable anecdotes.”

    Andrea Kerbaker, Il Sole 24 Ore

Alessandro Magrini

Alessandro Magrini since studying Classical Linguistics and Egyptology at La Sapienza University in Rome, he has never ceased to cultivate his passion for the study of languages and the ancient world. A qualified tourist guide in Rome, since he was very young Magrini has worked with Gruppi Archeologici d’Italia and the Centro Italiano di Archeologia Sperimentale. Ponte alle Grazie published Il dono di Cadmo. L’incredibile storia delle lettere dell’alfabeto (Cadmus’s Gift. The Incredible Story of the Letters of the Alphabet, 2022).

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