Literary Fiction

Sogni e favole

(Dreams and Fables)

Ponte alle Grazie, January 2019, pp.224

Viareggio Prize winner

The illusion of love, of poetry and of modernity are the protagonists of a novel that is cultured and moving.

English sample available

Rome, 1983. The 20th century is still in full bloom. Emanuele Trevi, a university student – not even twenty yet – works every evening in a film club in the city centre. One night, at the end of a film by Tarkovsky, he comes into the auditorium and finds a man alone and in tears. He is Arturo Patten, an American who has relocated to Rome, and is one of the greatest portrait photographers ever. For the brief rest of the century, Emanuele will listen to the lessons of his friend – a cross between Candlewick and Talking Cricket – who leads a life of enviable intensity, and, thanks to him, will meet intellectuals and artists who will lead him to research 18th-century highly-acclaimed librettist and court poet Metastasio, author of the sonnet Sogni, e favole io fingo (Dreams and Fables which I often feign). And so these tales “fancy” the entirety of great modern literature conjured up here, from Pushkin to Pessoa and even the prominent 20th-century Italian poet Amelia Rosselli, who lives on the same street as Arturo and who, like him, will end her life by choice.

Together with Arturo, she and her heritage are the other protagonist of the “strange book” of Trevi’s: at the same time an autobiographical novel and a digressing essay. Arturo, Amelia and Metastasio lead him and us into the heart of a rainy, archaic Rome, into the symbolic circle of depression and senselessness, towards the essential port of illusion: if, as Metastasio writes, imaginary stories arouse in us the same emotion as true events, then perhaps real life is made up of dreams and fables.

Ponte alle Grazie, January 2019, pp.224

  • “It’s not like a real novel but something more entrancing, provoking and useful.”

    Goffredo Fofi, Internazionale

  • “A highly stylised, highly successful, highly calibrated blend in which Trevi finds his perfect balance between cleverness and sincerity.”

    Daniele Giglioli, Corriere della Sera

  • “Trevi’s writing is patient and self-possessed, supported by a constant stream of happiness and joy made up of many other familiar books, past and present; […] happiness as a choice and a tapestry of thoughts, words and syntax.”

    Angelo Guglielmi, Alfabeta

  • “Trevi is excellent at reconstructing meetings and characters (…) there is an atmosphere of confidences which, however, never degenerates into the coarseness of intimate revelations.”

    Il Messaggero

  • “A literary voyage.”

    Andrea Cortellessa, ttL

  • “Trevi navigates like no one else through that area of fiction we insist on defining with the same old label of non-fiction novel, or autobiographical essay.

    Gianluigi Simonetti, Il Sole 24 Ore

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France: Actes Sud.

Emanuele Trevi

Emanuele Trevi (Rome, 1964) is the son of Jungian psychoanalyst Mario Trevi and it is to him that the author dedicates his new book, published by Ponte alle Grazie. He is a novelist, literary critic and essayist. He has presented various radio programs and is the author of stage plays. Alongside Arnaldo Colasanti, he has been creative director of the publishing house Fazi and edited the works of Emilio Salgari, John Fante, Goffredo Parise, Giosetta Fioroni, Giorgio Manganelli, Edmondo De Amicis and many others. His fiction debut came in 2003 with I cani del nulla (Einaudi stile libero), but it was with his memoir-novel Qualcosa di scritto (Something Written Down, Ponte alle Grazie, 2012) that he focused on a specific literary form: fiction essay, positioned between biography, fiction and personal memoir. Qualcosa di scritto recreates the days of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s death and was shortlisted for the Strega prize, going on to win the European Literature Prize, a great success with over 40,000 copies sold, translated into 15 languages. Then came Il popolo di legno (Einaudi stile libero, 2015) and Sogni e favole (Ponte alle Grazie, 2019), (winner of the Premio Letterario Viareggio-Repaci). However, it was with Due vite (Neri Pozza, 2020), a fiction-biography and homage to the memory of two writers and friends, Pia Pera and Rocco Carbone, that Trevi won the Strega in 2021. His other books include Viaggi iniziatici. Percorsi, pellegrinaggi, riti e libri (Utet, 2021) and L’onda del porto. Un sogno fatto in Asia (Neri Pozza, 2022). He has been writing for many years for Il Corriere della sera and La Lettura.

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