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General Non-Fiction


(Women Philosophers)

Ponte alle Grazie, February 2025, pp.240

Ten portraits of women thinkers who chose philosophy in order to revolutionise and transform the world.

What they all have in common is having initiated a thought revolution through which they interpreted their surrounding reality in an original way. Many among them pictured a political and social revolution that would restore to women the determining social role that was removed from them by a millennium of male domination and relegated them to the home.

Their biographies alone, as well as their intellectual output, prove how vital personal emancipation was for them in order to develop original thinking.

– Louise von Salomé (rethinking psychoanalysis);
– Rosa Luxemburg (the struggle for social justice);
– Maria Zambrano (thinking poetry and poetic thought);
– Hannah Arendt (plurality is the “law of the earth”);
– Simone de Beauvoir (the analysis of the female condition);
– Simone Weil (duties towards the human creature);
– Agnes Heller (subject and power);
– Carla Lonzi (the urgency of a “female revolt”);
– Silvia Federici (female domination and the dominion of capital);
– Judith Butler (gender is performative).

Ponte alle Grazie, February 2025, pp.240

Francesca R. Recchia Luciani

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